Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weight Loss - Where to Start

So, You Want to Lose Weight...

If you're here, then you've already started. You have to begin somewhere...and where it all starts is in your mind...and in your heart. Congratulations...you've taken Your first step to a new, healthier you. :)

Where We Started with Weight Loss

The Heavy...

First off, let me post our pictures now so you don't have to read any further and wonder if we are successful with weight loss and maintenance. My mom has lost OVER 140lbs. and I've lost over 70lbs. :) And we celebrate it EVERY DAY!
For me, the short story is:
My husband and I were living in New Orleans and lived through Hurricane Katrina. As a result of that evacuation, we ended up living in a Hotel for a full YEAR. Eating where ever and when ever we could in a nearby city with limited resources. We both gained a lot of weight and frankly, didn't mind because we were grateful to be alive.
When we returned home, to Hawaii, we were just happy to be here. No matter what our weight was.
But, our weight loss journey began... out of need, for someone ELSE.
When we got home, my mom, at her heaviest on the right here, was wearing compression stockings on her legs. Her blood pressure was out of control. She could barely walk from short, short distances without stopping to rest or give her aching knee some time to stop hurting.
We were all just 'dealing with it'. Mostly because, well... you know how it goes. We had all, in our past, TRIED IT ALL!  You name it, we'd tried it... and basically, we were all grateful to be alive and to be together... so we had just resolved for it to be our 'fate'.

Weight Loss Help

Something had to give. My mom's health was just too rocky. We started on the Wellnessbridge plan and were successful with it.  But, in January, we got a call from our Coach, Brandy, to tell us about RealW8. We made the commitment, as a family- Mom, Dad, Me, Husband, and my Adult Son, to all do this together. To be our own circle of support to my mom. To help her get to her goal- which is Health and Wellness.
Now, I am so lucky and honored to be coaching others to their weight loss goals and teaching them to coach THEIR family and friends to weight loss goals. :)


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